Your Semen and You
Semen, or cum, is actually made up of ninety percent (90%) seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) and proteins; sperm accounts for only about one percent (1%) of its total volume and the rest is made up of trace minerals and nutrients.
Many guys are concerned with what their semen tastes like. First of all, you can stress to your partner that semen will not make a person fat. It contains only about 12 to 15 calories per ejaculation; the same amount found in gelatin or egg white.
Some people say that semen tastes bitter, salty, or even acrid. So for loads of exciting fun in the bedroom, you can make your partner swallow your cum if you make your cum taste better.
Since semen is excreted by the body, its taste and smell would most likely be affected by what you eat and drink. What is the best diet for better-tasting cum?
For one, you should start living a clean and healthy lifestyle. Say no to alcohol, drugs and nicotine. Avoid junk foods and instead have lots of fruits and greens in your diet. Plus, drink a lot of liquids (water).
Drinking fruit juices from pineapple, citrus, and cranberry is also known to make your cum taste sweeter. Throw in melon, mango, apple, or grape, and other fruits that are high in sugar. Likewise, vegetables like parsley and celery are recommended.
There are also some foods that you should steer clear of. Fish and red meat produce a bitter, fishy taste because of their alkaline content. Chemically-processed alcohol can also make your semen taste bitter. Instead, try naturally fermented drinks for a change. Garlic and onion are likely to produce strong odors since they are high in sulfur; so lay off on these.
A better-tasting semen is good; but having extra loads of better-tasting semen is better. The volume of your load depends upon a number of concerns, including age, heredity, and general health. We practically cant change our age and genetics, but we could instead make dietary adjustments. There are various supplements that you can take like zinc oxide, Horny Goat Weed, L-Arginine, L-Lysine which are supposed to boost quantity of your load.
By simply increasing your fluid intake, you can increase the amount of your ejaculation. When your body is well hydrated, your body systems are able to work more efficiently and have less trouble getting water from the bloodstream.
Semenax has been shown to increase the volume of ejaculate by as much as 500 percent, and improves quality of sperm, motility of sperm, overall sperm count, and efficiency of semen and sperm production.
Benefits of increasing volume
The advantages of orgasming with greater volume and power are numerous. By increasing both volume of fluid and quantity/health of sperm, the load is not only bigger, more impressive and more pleasurable, but much more potent, too.
The larger the volume of fluid and sperm that's available for each orgasm, the more contractions it takes to shoot all of it -- and each contraction is stronger and more intense. The male orgasm, typically quite a brief event, can become a much longer-lasting experience.
Potency and fertility are of concern to all men, but particularly those with an immediate desire to impregnate their mate. Infertility is increasingly common, and a product like volume enhancers is a good help in this area.
Finally, there are significant benefits to a man's confidence when he is able to increase ejaculate volume and power. Sexual confidence is tied not only to success in romantic endeavours, but to many other kinds of success as well; studies show confidence in sexual identity carries over into every aspect of a man's life.
Suthep Sachasiri runs a sexuality and relationship advice at and
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