Tuesday, November 27, 2007 

Luxury Weekend Breaks on the Cheap

Luxurious weekend breaks can be a lot cheaper than youd imagine if you plan your trip around when the travel companies need your booking. Most good quality business class hotels can fill their rooms from Monday to Friday all year with no real problems but come the weekend its a different story.

The most difficult nights of the week for hotels to fill their rooms are Saturday and Sunday night. Combine this with the fact that car rental companies struggle to sell their fleet on a weekend too, and you could be on to a winner.

The best hotels to get great deals on weekend nights are business class hotels as theyre more likely to be empty at the weekend (as all their marketing efforts go on business customers) and theyre also generally very nice places to stay.

The other great advantage to booking a good quality business class hotel is that they have a great range of facilities and services to meet the demanding needs of their usual business customers. With facilities like gyms, swimming pools, saunas and steam rooms often being all part of the service rather than expensive extras, you could be in for a treat.

And dont forget the hearty breakfast. In good quality business class hotels you wont find them skimping on the spread at breakfast so get tucked in and enjoy a start to the day that should save a little on lunch too!

To find the best deals on these hotels scout around on the internet for business hotels in your preferred destination then see what kind of deals theyre offering on weekend stays. Youll often come across 2 for 1 night deals on a weekend, free children deals and similar offers.

If you want to hire a car too, nows the perfect time to pick up a healthy discount on that too, as all the rental companies have weekend discount offers running virtually all the time.

So, follow this simple advice and you should find that its possible to have a pretty luxurious weekend break cheaper than booking a cheap weekend break package from somewhere else.

Ray Chapman is a writer and webmaster of several guides and directories and works in the travel industry. For more information on travel visit the Travel Zone @ http://www.travelling-zone.net.

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Sexual Behaviour In Young Children

Very young kids will often touch themselves as they explore their naked body in the bathtub, running around the backyard, or being changed etc. Your reaction to this will demonstrate how acceptable their actions are.

You should not make them feel ashamed or in trouble for discovering their body parts. It is natural for their development.

You may choose to ignore self-touching when it is done in passing, or if the timing is appropriate, acknowledge their body part with the correct name.

If self-touching becomes more prominent, acknowledge that it is fine to feel your body in that way, but explain it should be done in private.

It is natural and normal for kids to touch themselves, however parents should be concerned about masturbation in young children if the child is preoccupied with it to the point of exclusion from other activities. Sometimes victims of sexual abuse are preoccupied with masturbation and parents should seek medical advice.

If you find that your child is ever bold or playing games that involve touching other kids private parts, avoid scolding them. Simply interrupt the game and divert them to another activity without fuss.

Afterwards, take them aside for a one-on-one talk. Tell your child that their body is their own and they have the right to privacy. Talk about good and bad touching.

Explain that good touching is when you have a kiss and hug with family members, when you hold hands skipping along with a friend, when you put your arm around your mate when you score a try at sport etc.

Explain that bad touching is when someone touches them in a way they don't like, such as on their private parts (penis, bottom, breasts, vagina etc). Reinforce that if anyone ever touches him or her in a way that feels bad or uncomfortable, to tell them to stop and come to tell you straight away. Reassure them that this will probably never happen to them, but it is wise to know what to do.

Revisit the chat about the game they had earlier. Remind your child that other people have this privacy with their body too and it is not good manners to poke or touch other people's private parts. Tell them that even though you understand it was just a game, it is inappropriate touching and should not be played anymore.

Joss Daly is a primary school teacher and a mum. She likes to share valuable tips and information for parents on how to talk to kids. Visit her website http://www.KidsTalk.smmsite.com for more great ideas.

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With Alcohol Abuse - Causes Are Multilayered

How come some people become alcoholics and others dont? The people could have the exact same upbringing, drink the same amount, be the same nationality or even in the same family. There isnt a definitive answer as to why alcoholics become alcoholics. There are almost as many theories as there are alcoholics. With alcohol abuse, it usually is a series of pressures combined that pushes a casual drinker over the edge into addiction.

Nature Or Nurture? Alcoholism is defined by doctors all around the world as a disease, not a personality flaw. Some people do seem to be more genetically predisposed to alcohol abuse. Causes for this predisposition is thought to be certain genes that make a person crave alcohol more than usual. But if both of your parents were heavily into alcohol abuse, causes that are purely genetic do not explain the many non-alcoholic children of alcoholic parents.

There is also the thought that alcoholism happens because of the attitudes of peers. Alcohol is legal and a socially acceptable drug for relaxation and letting your hair down. Drinking is often seen as compulsory in some parts of society like college fraternities, builders and heavy laborers. First, drinking is seen as a part of fitting into the group and of having fun. Then, over time, drinking becomes a habit to the point that the body becomes addicted. But this doesnt explain why those who stop and live with tee toilers start up again so easily.

Part Of A Larger Problem With alcohol abuse, causes for why someone turns to alcohol for comfort and support are due to many personal reasons combining with any predisposition to mental illness such as depression. Alcohol gives a false sense of security. Drinking has been reported among alcoholics to make them seem as if they are in charge of their lives and they panic at their seeming powerlessness when they sober up. If a person cannot figure out how to cope with the peaks and valleys of life and cannot take responsibility for their lives, he or she may turn to alcohol abuse. Causes of why they choose alcohol among all of the other legal addictions available (food, sex, money, shopping) are unknown.

Once a person is addicted to alcohol, they will always be so for the rest of their lives, even if they successfully stop drinking. Just one drink, even after years of sobriety, will often set them off in a drinking binge again.

Christopher Jay provides more free and extremely helpful information in his content rich Alcohol Abuse Causes site For more alcohol abuse causes, explore- Alcohol Abuse Tips Sitemap

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