Wednesday, September 12, 2007 

Divide and Win

Lotto or Lottery

There are various ways to get a fortune. Winning the Lottery is one of them. Playing Lotto the right way can make you a multi-millionaire. It isn't just a case of picking 5 or 6 numbers and hoping. You cant count on fate and having a finger pointed at you and saying "It's You!".

So give fate a helping hand. That helping hand is called wheeling. Wheeling your numbers increases your winning probability through the use of mathematically proven methods which you don't have to worry about. Wheeling is the most successful tool ever devised for beating the odds in any Lotto game anywhere in the world. In my books I have made them simple and easy to understand.

You can also combine wheeling with other ways of reducing the odds.

A recent article of mine covered Lucky 30. A set of 12 groups of 30 for playing Lotto or Lottery were there are 49 numbers in the game.

I was asked to cover a smaller type of 42 Lottery numbers. I had already done this but it is in a eBook of mine.

If you do get the book you will find both Lucky 30 and Divide & Win for 24 numbers are either in there or given as a bonus.

The odds on picking 6 from 42 is 5,245,786.

I have analysed groups of numbers for a 42 ball game. I have broken them down to 10 sets of 24 numbers.

By choosing from 24 numbers instead of 42, your chances of picking 6 correct falls to around 130,000 to one.

By choosing 5 from 24 it drops down to a mere 42,504. A massive 124 times better than picking from the full 42.

How you pick your set of 24 is up to you but you could use your lucky number from 1 to 10.

I am sure you will find other ways but whatever, Good Luck.

If you can combine wheeling your numbers and use Divide and Win your odds come down further.

Wherever you get your wheeling systems from just make sure you don't go over your budget.

It's Goodbye from me till next time


Barry Sheppard

About The Author

Publishing pro and author/filmmaker Barry Sheppard helps you put the odds on your side by showing you exactly what steps you must make at every stage, from picking your numbers to using winning wheeling systems.

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