Thursday, November 15, 2007 

Ten Secrets You Should Know About The Atkins Diet

One of the cornerstones of the Atkins diet is that people previously believed that if you wanted to get thinner all you had to do was eat less or reduce calories. As it turns out, according to the Atkins diet you can eat only 20 grams of carbs per day, but you are allowed to eat plenty of red meat, fish, eggs, cream, and butter. This is quite a contrast to what most people believe about dieting.

Of course the long-term data is still out on this question and many people are concerned about the long-term risks of following the Atkins diet. The diet is based upon the fact that it is the way your body processes the carbohydrates you eat not how much fat you eat is what causes you to gain weight. The principle behind the Atkins diet is that weight loss is quicker because fat burns more calories than carbohydrates do. There are still supplements diet plans and other programs and also support that dieters can turn to to help manage their eating habits and their weight loss progress. The Atkins diet holds that people who are overweight are eating too many carbohydrates and by reducing carbohydrates that our bodies will burn the fat more effectively.

You see Dr. Atkins knew that the human body uses two types of fuel to sustain life. The first is glucose from carbohydrates. The second, ketones from fat. So basically by limiting your carbs, you force your body into breaking down the stored fat, which is what you really need to do to lose weight.

There are of course many detractors of the Atkins diet. For example there are some reports from the UK that people on the Atkins diet simply don't feel like eating anymore. Others say that the weight loss from an Atkins diet isn't that much different than other diets that rely on the low-fat or vegetarian diets.

Another concern is that if you lose weight too quickly because of ingesting too few calories, your body will go into a so-called starvation mode and your weight loss will either slow down or stop completely because of a change in your metabolism.

Still another concern of the detractors of the Atkins diet is that some of the foods that are restricted on a low carbohydrate diet are the same types of food that decrease inflammation for example fruits and vegetables. Also foods high in saturated fats such as butter tend to increase the body's production of inflammatory chemicals. Some believe that replacing carbohydrates with foods that are high in saturated fats also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

But that's just the point. The Atkins diet does not suggest or promote the ingestion of extremely unhealthy and fatty foods without moderation. Anything overdone can have unhealthy side effects. Hundreds of thousands of people have enjoyed permanent weight loss reduction using the Atkins diet method. Give it a try yourself and see if it isn't right for you.

Discover the vital secrets they don't want you to know about the Atkins diet. Read this and you decide.


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Premature Ejaculation Treatment

In very simple terms, premature ejaculation is defined as the condition when the man ejaculates too soon, that is, before the female partner or indeed, he himself has arrived at a sexual climax. When this happens, there is a lot of dissatisfaction from the sexual act, which could lead to frustrations and even issues between married partners. Statistics reveal that premature ejaculation is one of the most important sexual incompatibility causes for divorces in the world today.

There are two basic types of premature ejaculation. The first is primary premature ejaculation, where the man has suffered from premature ejaculation all through his life, i.e. he has never ejaculated after prolonged sex. The other type what most men of the world are suffering from is called secondary premature ejaculation. This is when the man ejaculates prematurely later in life due to some inner condition.

Though premature ejaculation occurs in men of most ages, young men are more prone to suffer from this disorder. The main cause behind this could be the inexperience of the young men indulging in sex. The excitement and the frenzy associated with the first few sexual encounters of a mans life can also cause the ejaculation to be premature. This is the reason why most women prefer older men. As men grow older, they learn better the tricks of self control. This makes them hold out better and let go only when they are sure their female partners have reached their own sexual climax.

In some cultures, premature ejaculation is more prevalent than in others. This is because of sexual taboos that children are made to grow up with. These young boys grow up thinking that masturbation is some kind of a dirty act. Hence, when they get the urge they may masturbate quickly in the bathroom or in some hidden place for fear of being found out. Naturally, they ejaculate too soon. This habit remains with them when they grow up, and they develop conditions of premature ejaculation.

The number of treatment methods available in the market purporting to be cures for premature ejaculation is a good indicator of how widespread this condition is among men. Men believe that they come too soon to be satisfactory to their partners. The root cause behind this is pornographic films. Porn is responsible for perpetrating several myths about sex; and one among them are the thirty-odd minute long sessions of couples having sex. Though this is not unreal, the fact is that most couples would not stretch the actual penetrative act by more than a few minutes. As a result, a man watching a porn movie would find something lacking in the way he performs his sexual act.

Talking about cures for premature ejaculation, there is no real treatment for the issue. The reason behind this is that premature ejaculation is not a disease at all. Ejaculating before time can be controlled simply by exercising more mind play into the act. The squeeze technique is very effective in controlling premature ejaculation. This is done by masturbating the penis till the semen is just about to be released. At this time, the glans of the penis is squeezed in order to the stop the ejaculation. Masturbation is continued after the urge to ejaculate passes away. This process of masturbate squeeze masturbate again is repeated for a number of times. This method is also known to increase the bulk of the semen when it is finally reached.

There are some numbing creams that can be used for premature ejaculation. It must be noted that these creams are not treatments for premature ejaculation, but they are just tools used to delay the ejaculation. When these creams are applied, then the penis loses some of its sensation and hence the arousal can continue for a longer period of time.

Yoga is known to be one of the most effective methods of solving problems of premature ejaculation. There are several asanas which teach mind control, by which a man can prolong the pleasures he receives from sex. Methods to relieve the mind from stress are being very commonly applied by men today, and this has direct relation with the quest to find a solution to premature ejaculation. This explains why couples after marriage go to a secluded place for their honeymoons. Such places can help the couple to unwind, become more comfortable with each other and hence have a stress-free first sexual encounter. Doctors advocate men suffering from premature ejaculation to take their partners out on a vacation to a silent place. In most cases this has found to have great benefits in solving premature ejaculation problems.

Finally, it must be remembered that premature ejaculation is something that is not a permanent condition. Every person ejaculates at different times during different sexual encounters, and hence what time period qualifies for premature ejaculation is a highly debatable topic. Most men may ejaculate under one minute some times and have a prolonged sexual session some other time. Hence, premature ejaculation is a highly relative issue.

Read more about Premature Ejaculation Cure and other Secret Sexual Issues at

Also read more about the Secret of How to Increase Libido.

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One of the exotic places in the world where people can enjoy nature is Arizona. The state is a conjecture of old west with a dash of modern shops and cuisine. Arizona has wide variety of national parks and is the land steeped in legend and lore. Sheer red cliffs embody the northeastern part of the region and in canyon wall caves of Canyon de Chelly (pronounced de SHAY) a national monument, and the personification of ruins of Indian villages built between 350 and 1300 AD. On the other hand, there are Shallow caves overlooking the Tonto Basin in southeastern part of Arizona that date back to over 700 years. The Tuzigoot National Monuments' rock-walled rooms built by agricultural Sinagua are situated in the low hills of Mingus Mountain, and the Organ Pip Cactus National Monument is by Tucson is the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument where three unique desert habitats covers almost 500 square miles. Tourist can also celebrate the life and landscape of the Sonoran Desert

Arizona was once inhabited by Native Indian farmers and the land still contains the ruins of ancient structure in the northern part. The five-story Montezuma Castle, a 20-room cliff dwelling located in the Verde Valley, served as a ""high-rise apartment building"" for Sinagua Indians 600 years ago. Case Grande also known as ""Big House"" is one of the largest and most mysterious prehistoric buildings ever constructed. Both of these structures are well preserved by the authorities. Exploring Native American Arizona can reveal many more cultural aspects of tribes both old and new to the state.

Spanish and Mexican culture also had a major influence in the society of Arizona. Missions and presidios established by Franciscan monks in the early 1700 marked the foundation of the long-time infusion of language, food, music and tradition imparted by Latin people. Mexico remains the most significant cultural partner. Today, Arizona thrives with authentic Mexican art, architecture, entertainment and eateries.

Exploring the heritage of Mexican people opens opportunities to learn & understand customs. People seeking for adventure and pleasure can visit the destination for an adventure-riding holiday in real cowboy country.

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Thinking About a Mobile Oil Change Business Perhaps?

Well if you are thinking of starting a mobile oil change business it will not be as easy as you think. First off you must be good at marketing and careful how you pick your customers too. For instance you really need to get 20% of your business in personal cars and 80% in fleet vehicles. What kind of marketing should you do?

Well, for mobile Oil Changing, we have found that a sales letter, picture of unit doing services (with two technicians) and a business card on a paper clip works best for fleet sales. Do not mail them, drop them off in person with unit in a conspicuous place; then flyer the area every month to two months (1/2 sheet card stock - no fluorescent paper).

Direct Personal Contact Sales

Direct sales work much better than any other type of selling, although specific targeting of your customers with cold-calling works well too, yet at some point you will need to make a personal visit. You should initially use direct sales as your primary sales technique. Casually walk into businesses and offer your services. Other forms of initial contact will include fax marketing to only specific types of fleet businesses (only once), e-mail offers (only once), flyer distribution, some companies you can make corporate onsite oil change proposals.

We used a CD ROM interactive demo disks, oil change fundraisers and oil change "free-bee" giveaways. I recommend you wait until you get a little bigger for that. You must practice your sales pitch lines and if you hire employees or sale people give them a "sales pitch" digital recording and put it on their 3G cell phone to listen too and update periodically or on cassette tapes. This way sales people will play these tapes in their work trucks so all crew members can close sales and up-sell customers instantly in the parking lots and offices. You see Bryan you must be always thinking about expanding and market share (winning).

You must also establish recommended pricing policies as an avenue of profitability. When you find something that works extremely well in one city then push it in similar areas. You must encourage retention of your customer base and market segments of the highest possible profit in the services you provide. You want repeat customers for your business, so you must find a happy medium for your clients (supply and demand). Don't give it away, but do not get so costly that you lose customers who would have been your best word of mouth advertising.

Promotional Strategies:

For promotions you might consider giving out oil change door prizes at civic group meetings, bingo nights, chamber of commerce, etc. or planning oil change fundraisers at least once per month for kids or "5th Caller" on Listen While You Work gets a free oil change at their office. We use to sponsor civic programs such as Neighborhood Mobile Watch Program, Arson Watch Program, etc.


Your advertising should be simple, inexpensive, and yet extensive and must include such things as advertising where government procurement folks will read your ads. Also I recommend Direct Mailings of Previous Customers with Fleet Sales Campaigns (Every Three Months). The promotional must be worked in also such as Radio Packages (try to trade for prizes - free promotions work best).

Here is a thought to help you with your new business and to make sure you read up on all the important aspects of the mobile oil change business. Go to this website: . At the top there is a "search feature" so type in: "Mobile Oil Change."

Then read all those articles and make a list of questions for me. This will be about a 2-3 day exercise ( I think there are some 100 articles there on the subject), but well worth it in your education on running the Mobile Oil Change Business or really any mobile service business for that matter, as the information comes from many different types of service business sub-sectors.

L. Winslow is an Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur . Currently he is planning a bicycle ride across the US to raise money for charity and is sponsored by and all the proceeds will go to various charities who sign up.

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