Wednesday, September 26, 2007 

The Zen of Men's Grooming

Weve all heard of the Zen of x or the Zen of y, and believe it or not the Zen of mens grooming actually does exist! As men, we are not taught at any stage of our lives about grooming. Somehow were just supposed to magically figure out what to do when it comes to shaving, skin care, body hair trimming, hair maintenance, etc. Its just fantastic to think that girls at a very early age, are playing with makeup and watching (and learning) how mama cleans her skin every night. All boys are taught to do is wash their hands and brush their teeth before going to bed! When it comes to boys, maybe they see father shaving in the morning, but most likely theyre busy getting dressed and eating breakfast. Suddenly, puberty hits, the facial hair starts coming in, and the pimples start appearing. With no talk about such things from family or friends, and seeing how the media caters to teenage girls clearing their skin, what is a young man to do? Maybe, just maybe, the father will see that his son needs a shaving lesson and some help with clearing his skin. But I ask, are the fathers of the world teaching their sons how to shave, how to take care of their skin, how to look their best? I would like to say YES, but I fear that in most households that is NOT going on. Fathers of the world must start teaching their sons good grooming techniques so its not such a mystery. Theres more than throwing the football, playing video games etc., that can be shared between father and son.

Hopefully as an adult youve taken the time to find out how to take care of your grooming needs. Youve learned how to get the perfect shave (whether it be a wet or electric shave); how to keep your skin looking great; in general, how to look your best.

Here comes the Zen part! When it comes to meditation, I like to practice and recommend Vipassana meditation. Vipassana meditation is a way of self-transformation through self-observation. It focuses on the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced directly by disciplined attention to the physical sensations that form the life of the body, and that continuously interconnect and condition the life of the mind. It is this observation-based, self-exploratory journey to the common root of mind and body that dissolves mental impurity (resulting in a balanced mind full of love and compassion). The most standard way of practicing is to simply observe the breath going in and out of your nose. Simply focus on the breath, observing the body sensations. After even just a few minutes you can feel yourself become more focused and calm. You can also practice meditation when you walk by simply observing each step you take - the foot hitting the ground, the movement of the foot in each step, etc. Doing this brings you back to the now, calms the mind and focuses you.

This can also be practiced while you groom yourself. Yes, believe it or not you can meditate while youre doing your grooming routine morning or night. Heres an example of how you can bring zen into your shaving routine. The main point of this type of meditation is to observe your body during an activity. One way to do this is to slow down your movements. Be 100% aware of your arm as it picks up the razor. If you practice doing a wet shave, observe the movement of the arm soaking the razor in the warm water. Simply follow each step of your routine paying attention to the various movements of your body. Keep your attention as much as possible to the present moment. If your mind starts wandering about what youre doing for dinner or what meeting you have to get to, simply return your attention to the present moment. Follow the sensations of the blade as it glides across your face. Observe how your body is standing, what your hand is doing. Dont judge anything. Theres no right way to do this. The key is to just observe the experience. You may even get a better shave since youll be more aware of what youre doing! You can also do this when taking a shower, and even at night when your cleansing your skin. When cleansing your skin observe the sensation of the cleanser in your hand, the swirling sensation as you swirl it over your face, etc. Its a wonderful habit to get into. The more you do it, the more focused and calmer you will be. The point of most meditation is to bring you to the present moment, keep you in the now. This is a wonderful way to stay in the present and give yourself the gift of a calmer life.

Author David Scott Bartky helps men all over the world look their best with the techniques and advice offered in his book "Grooming Secrets For Men" which can be found at

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Seized Car Online Auctions, Are They Really Cheap?

If youre looking to buy a new car, used car or even your dream car from an auction, this is a useful site for you. Weve seen a lot of ads on TV promoting the car auctions in every state. Have you ever wondered where are those cars from? Every month thousands of cars are seized by the government or police, repossessed by the bank from drug dealers or people who have financial problems. I know it sounds a bit sad but the good news is the cars cost the government a fortune to store them and the vehicles would continue to depreciate in value.

Thats why they are trying to sell the cars as quickly as possible. The auctions are open to the public which means we can attend the auctions and pay much less than the book value of the cars. Some cars start bidding as low as $100. Today, everyone can buy these cars at much lower prices and the discount is up to 95% in many cases due to the increasing number of auctions online. One thing that you should always keep in mind for this car auction is never pay more than the amount that you have set in your mind.

There will always be some kind of bidding war so please make sure that you won't get into it. Remember that there will be more cars for you to choose later on. One thing I do suggest is to bring an expert or try to get information about the car that you want as much as possible before you start bidding. Good luck and I hope you all get the car you really want with an excellent bargain price.

Please Visit for Government Seized Car Auctions.

Please Visit for Repossessed Truck Auctions.

Please Visit for Police Impounds Car Auctions.

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Sexual Massage How To Enhance Any Relationship

In human relationships, one should not underestimate the important of touch and this article is all about using touch to show your partner how much you love and care for them.

Try it and you will find out how to convey your emotions and feelings in a totally different way that will enhance any relationship and is a fun and enjoyable form of foreplay.

The importance of touch

Goes back to our very roots of being in the womb, our mothers holding us, and then childhood innocent games with parents, siblings and friends. In later life, we tend to duplicate this, if we can, with our intimate relations.

The sexual massage is one very special way to do this, and can bring not only relaxation, but a keener sense of intimacy to both partners.

Setting the mood

To begin you will need some relaxing environment. If you are going to give the massage on a bed, it must not be too soft. If it is, use the floor, but put down first a folder blanket or a duvet. You must also have ready

Massage oil

A large towel, a smaller towel and a small pillow

Some relaxing music

A few scented candles, with some scent like cinnamon which is considered to be somehow aphrodisiac.

The room should be warm, as your partner will be naked (but not at first). Light the candles, put on the music, and you are about ready.

Many techniques include massage (or masturbation) of the gentiles.

This technique does not, but recommends intercourse as the natural conclusion of the massage.

Massage technique

With your partner lying face-down (and perhaps a small pillow under her or his head, and a rolled small towel under the ankles (to elevate the foot slightly) put some oil into your hands. Never put the oil or massage cream directly on the partners skin as it can confuse and even ruin the mood of the massage.

Back massaging

Start with the high back, rubbing with flat hands in circles (the left hand circling counter-clockwise and the right hand clockwise). This is a relaxing stroke and you can move both lower or higher. Keep your hand well oiled until your partners skin (as well as your own) has stopped drinking the oil. As you move higher and lower with this stoke, you can now move both hands in the same direction.

As you continue, you can include the whole of the back, and how your circling strokes become the swimming stroke. These are very large a movements beginning at the small of your partners back and finishing at the nape of the neck. You can continue like this for some minutes, and you will give a great pleasure to your partner; who will begin to melt beneath you.

The shoulders and neck

You next work on the shoulder and neck with the flat of your thumbs and even kneading (as if you were kneading dough for bread). Continue for a few minutes.

Buttocks & Legs

Work your way down now to your partners buttocks. Use the kneading technique at first, and then end with small circling. Work at the cleavage of the buttocks, and on the inside of the thigh, but do not actually touch your partners anus or gentiles. Come as close as you can without doing so, and tease this areas with feathery strokes.

Quickly move down each leg, massaging with the kneading movement, then the circling. Now go to each foot. Apply more oil and rub and massage each part of the foot, each toe even. Place special emphasis on the sole, and use your thumbs to massage the ball of the foot and then arch.

Asking your partner to turn over, work your way up the leg to the hips. Be careful to NOT touch the genital area, but only come as close as is possible. This is like scratching a mosquito bite, but around the bite, and not directly on it.

The front of the body

Lift your partner slightly from the small of the back two or three times. Then on your partners abdomen, do large swimming stokes, and keep this up for at least 3 to 4 minutes. This area will ignite the sexual centers, and create a great desire for sexual union with your partner; but do not yield till you are finished giving the massage.

Continue with small circling movements on the chest or breast of your partner, and then move to the next with light pressuring movements only. Go behind your partner now and work on his or her face from behind. Do very light massage, not neglecting the lips, and eyes. Move to the sides of the forehead, and then end with the earlobes. There are great sexual centers (used also by acupressurists) there, and end with light pressure to each lobe.

You end the massage now on the whole of your partners body with the back of the hands, using only the tips of the fingernails in as light and long stokes as possible.

Practice and enjoy the above

Try the above and you will find a massage will add a different and enjoyable dimension to your relationship

More FREE information

On a number of sexual issues including sexual massage visit our website For articles, features and downloads on all aspects of sexual health and getting more from sex:

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Divinity without Dogma

Divinity without dogma please
Instead of dead religion let's just
Bow and humbly get on our knees
To repent, pray, and get out the way
Invite and warmly welcome God today
To have His mighty, miraculous way
Come Lord Jesus to help, do, and say
Whatever it is you want to communicate
Whatever you desire to demonstrate
Forgive us for selfishly trying to orchestrate
By doing so Your grace we do frustrate
As we, full of ourselves, greatly aggravate
Your purposes, plans, and strong hand
Self-righteously endeavoring to deviate
From the divine order of dependency
Independent, shallow, vile, and infertile
Enamored by this world we are defiled
Unclean, dirty, and undone all the while
Yet we try tirelessly in our own strength
To give birth to that which You've promised
Deeply engrossed and captivated by the King
Or at least His blessings and special things
We try to overcome the flesh and press in
Though not necessarily to truly know Him
But to grasp, go after, and get something
Meanwhile we are dead and dying within
Traditional, skeptical, critical, and dogmatic
Always trying to implement another formula
To figure it all out, while forgetting Daddy
Bypassing and belittling our heavenly Father
Weary in heart, foolish, fickle, and fainting
Comparing, competing, and blindly berating
Our Christian brother just down the street
For not being exactly as us and complete
In dead religiosity, liturgy, and stupidity
Meanwhile we are miserable and filthy
Full of ourselves and going nowhere fast
Recalling the glory of times already past
Wondering how long the torment will last
Angrily, dogmatically driving people away
Dying within and wishing to get to heaven
Rigid and frigid, they take nobody with them.
Listen up my beloved and believing friend
Dogma is dead and always comes to an end
Jesus however is divine and always has time
To improve, enhance, and uplift into sublime
Spirituality that imparts life is a gold mine
Precious, priceless, virtuous, and matchless
Dogma that destroys and kills is a crime
To be hated, annihilated, and discarded
Replaced, exchanged, and happily traded
For something far better than to merely opine
What the world and humanity want is love divine.

Paul Davis is a life purpose coach (relational & professional), worldwide minister, and former fitness trainer.

Paul is a poet and author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Are You Ready for True Love; and Adultery 101. Paul is a popular keynote speaker, creative consultant, adventurer, mediator conquering conflict, liberator, and dream-maker.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has served in many war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams, breaking limitations and reviving nations.

Paul inspires, revives, awakens, impregnates with purpose, imparts the fire of desire, catapults people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitates destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to speak at your event or for life coaching:, 407-284-1705

For additional info:

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