Friday, November 16, 2007 

Wedding Favors Make a Difference

While it is the bride and groom who take center-stage at a wedding, it is the guests who make the wedding an occasion to remember. The guests are the people who take special time out to attend the wedding ceremony and reception festivities and participate in them. It is their good wishes and blessings which help the newly weds get started on their journey together. To show appreciation toward them, guests are usually given wedding favors at the end of every wedding.

A wedding favor is a small gift given to guests who attend the ceremony and wedding reception. Its purpose it two fold. As a 'Thank You' gesture for attending the wedding and sharing in the reception celebration. Also, as commemorative memorabilia something to remember the wedding occasion and all that goes along with it.

Wedding favors can be anything from wine glasses to scented soaps or plant saplings. The idea behind them is to express gratitude to the guests for coming to the nuptials and making the wedding an even more special occasion.

In earlier times, wedding favors were usually traditional items. Nowadays, they can include all kinds of stuff. As such, a lot of thought and creativity needs to go into not only the purchase of the favors, but also gift-wrapping them in a beautiful and eye-catching way.


DIY or Do It Yourself Something unique and different would be to try making the wedding favors, rather than just purchasing them. Not only would you cut down on costs, you would add a personal touch to the favors. There are many website that offer wedding favor packaging to assist you in this endeavor.

Time & Adequate Research While it may not always be possible to make the favors, purchasing them needs a lot of time and research to go into the activity. This is not an activity to be left till the last minute, especially if you want to make it as special for your guests as they have made your wedding for you.

Get Creative Wedding favors need not always be simple and traditional. Nowadays with a plethora of ideas and material available, all one needs is a dash of creativity to make them unique and something your guests would love to talk about and show off. Personalized wedding favors that feature gift tags with your names and wedding date on them are perfect for the creative.

Go The Whole Hog (if you feel like it) Your guests have made your wedding an occasion to remember and now you want to return the favor. As such, dont let the budget come to mind for just this one thing. Indulge, get them something special and watch them talk about it for years to come.

Finally, put in an extra effort toward making your wedding favors special, they will definitely make your guests day. A small, but thoughtful gesture toward making your guests feel special will definitely go a long way. After all, it will all come back to you in the form of their good wishes, which will last you an entire lifetime and fill your married life with every kind of joy and happiness.

L Hayes is a wedding professional and owner of Wedding Favors Emporium. They carry an extensive line of unique wedding favors. They offer many popular gift ideas such as place card holders, wedding favor packaging, and bridesmaid gifts. For more information about personalized wedding favors, wedding planning, or wedding reception ideas, visit their website.

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Forced Sterilization in America and Canada

We are lucky to have a choice about our birth control options. Some people, world-wide, have not been given that choice. Forced sterilizations have been performed in the United States and Canada as well as globally. Find out why these atrocities were committed, and learn about your contraceptive rights.


Eugenics is the practice of trying to make the human species better. This is the bid to build a faster, smarter, and better human. Many sterilization programs, including the programs in numerous American states, were created to improve the gene pool. These forced sterilizations focused on mentally disabled people, or people with physical disabilities, such as being blind.


In 1897, Michigan became the first state bring up forced sterilization legislature. This legislature did not pass; nor did Pennsylvanias attempts a few years later. The first state to introduce sterilization laws was Indiana, in 1907; Washington and California followed suit in 1907. In 1927 the famed sterilization case Buck v. Bell was heard in the supreme courts, which legalized forced sterilizations, and began the age of the most forced sterilizations. In 1942 the case Skinner v. Oklahoma ruled that you cannot sterilize someone as a punishment, which partially curtailed forced sterilizations. By 1963, most states had taken sterilization laws out of use, though many of them remained in the law books for longer: North Carolina did not rescind their laws until 1974. Roughly 70,000 Americans were sterilized against their will.

Buck v. Bell

In 1924 Virginia passed a law that stated that all mentally disabled individuals had to be sterilized for eugenic reasons. In 1927, Carrie Bell was ordered to be sterilized. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. explained that the sanctity of the gene pool outweighed one persons physical rights. The reason for sterilizing Carrie was that she was allegedly mentally slower and had a history of prostitution. Current scholarship has demonstrated that Carrie was probably sterilized because of her and her mothers promiscuous ways.


As the case of Carrie Bell demonstrates, forced sterilizations were often performed on women for unjust reasons. Whereas men were allowed to be sexually promiscuous (and were often encouraged to be), women were meant to be chaste. Having children out of wedlock could lead to sterilization. Some women were sterilized without their knowledge of it. Many of the women who were forcibly sterilized were barely women at all, being often only 14, or even younger.


In many states and provinces, racism was a motivating factor in compulsory sterilizations. In North Carolina, for instance, many black women were sterilized when they went in to give birth to their babies. In Alberta, eugenics was allegedly being used to prevent further babies being born with mental or physical disabilities. However, an overly large proportion of Mtis women were sterilized. The Mtis people are an aboriginal people, who have a heritage of First Nations mixed with European settlers. It is possible that the government was concerned because they represented miscegenation, that is, the mixing of racial genes.


Just as gender and race are factors in forced sterilizations, socioeconomic status is also a factor. Often, gender, race, and class were all combined. It was more often than not the black people who were poor, and it was often the black poor women who were sterilized against their wills. Some argued that sterilizing poor people was a blessing because it allowed a family to take care of the children they already had.

Your Rights

You have a right to not be sterilized without your consent. No matter of physical or mental disabilities, nobody in Canada or the United States is legally allowed to be sterilized without consent.

You can, however, choose to have a sterilization for your method of birth control. Birth control remains in your hands, and not the governments. Learn more about your birth control options to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to use your power of choice.

Lilith Mill is the editor of The Guide to Birth Control, a site dedicated to providing you the facts about many forms of contraception so that you can make the right choice for you.

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MOMO Corse Car Accessories - Cosy and Yet Snazzy

Where do you keep your hand most of the time while you drive you car? Obviously, the steering wheels! Then isnt it befitting to make this particular part of your car comfy? Definitely, it is; but you may want to know how! Well, its very simple. Just go for MOMO Corse steering wheels. The company specialises in this car accessory and hence capable of producing top of the class steering wheels. They are cosy and yet snazzy.

Originally a racing car wheels manufacturer, MOMO has become a household name in the arena of car accessories. MOMO Corse products are now widely used all around the globe. They are famous for being flashy as well as long lasting. Made exclusively from quality raw materials, these products are hot favourite among the racing car drivers. The reliable performance of these accessories in racing cars is making them equally popular among the other type of users.

Observing the popularity attained and enjoyed by MOMO Corse, some unscrupulous manufactures are delivering duplicate products and passing them by MOMOs name. So, buyers of car accessories of this famous brand must be careful about the authenticity of the products. Car accessories from MOMO carry the name of the company that makes them completely different from the duplicate products. A little carefulness will be enough to avoid duplicity.

There are online shops that deal in auto accessories. MOMO Corse car accessories are also available with them. So, you can buy the necessary product from them. This way, you can avoid the hassles of going to the market and move from one shop to the other. You can get access to the virtual world of online shopping just by logging on to the internet. So, you can carry out your shopping simply by clicking the mouse of you PC or moving your finger on the touch screen of your laptop.

Alexus Devon is an automobile writer specializing in automobile and car accessories (such as MOMO Corse) products and has written authoritative articles on the car accessories industry. He has done his Master in Business Administration and is currently assisting as a car accessories specialist.

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