Saturday, September 22, 2007 

When The Answer Is Not Tonight!

The basic moods swings between partners that takes place, especially in a married relationship, results in such answers. If it is a one off fight then it is ok. But in case this excuse is given on a regular basis then you should understand there is some thing you nee to do about it.

Pramod does not deny the fact that there could be various reasons but if the reason is about your performance in bed, then my dear friend you need to do something about it.

You need to Spice up your sex life. Bring back the old memories when you two used to like having sex to a whooping three times a day. You need to be sexually attractive. Period.

What Pramod says is its normally found that men do not take care of their body after few years of marriage. They develop a pot belly. Come on cant you be fit at least for her!!

If this is not the issue you are having then we need to delve a bit deeper. Are you facing issues with premature ejaculation? The moment she gets aroused, you are diffused. Do not worry you are not the only one. Almost 40 % of men face this issue either initially of if not fixed, for a longer span of time. It can be fixed permanently through practice.

Now coming to your bed habits: do you smoke in bed? Do you talk about office and all the stressful things you did in office? Are you having a bad mouth breath? The answer will be to fix it and stop it immediately.

More often it is seen that men do two mistakes firstly they think sex is just Climax, penis entering the vagina. Pramods answer is please think about your counter part. Talk to her about how you enjoy making love to her. And wasnt sex to be an expression of Love rather than a choreographed mechanical activity.

Get involve in more sexual foreplay. Second thing is after climax, men just turn their head around with their back towards their females and go to sleep. Excuse me she needs your arms to sleep and she wants to feel you. Stop being a selfish brat.

Having stated what the answers could be , its time for you to rethink about your partner and what they want . After all dont you want to hear Honey you were fabulous tonight. And Honey let me give you a body massage right now!"

Pramod Shet is an Expert at Enhancement of Sexual Performance and have been in this arena for quite some time. Known to be a maverick, his ideas are refreshingly new and bold.

For all your sexual solutions and to enhance your sexual performance all you have to do is click !!

Copyright 2007 Pramod Shet.

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Sacred Geometry

Harmonics is the study of the rhythms and sub rhythms of cosmic periods. It is a study that is rapidly taking a whole melange of astrological techniques and bringing them to a coordinated, simplified and unified whole.

Where once some methods of delineating a chart were considered to be superior to others, it is now seen that, at a level invisible to the eye, everything is connected.

That connection is through the medium of number. Number participates in a continuum that unfolds in time and the properties of number allow multiples of meanings to be used interchangeably to create the whole fabric of the Universe.

One of the greatest leaps in astronomical and astrological thought came from Johannes Kepler. Kepler's laws of planetary motion, and harmonics divulge the connection between planets and cycles through the medium of proportion and rhythm. Through the further development of these laws, where once we only understood the geometry of specific angular divisions of the chart, known as aspects, we now understand the wider implications of the wave motion they represent. As a result we have come to understand how those aspects might represent vibrational qualities that resonate throughout the Universe.

In an outline of Kepler's astrology, Wolfgang Pauli commented that, according to Kepler, individual souls have the ability to react to certain harmonious proportions, which correspond to specific rational divisions of a circle. In music, this ability is revealed in our perception of euphony or consonance in certain musical intervals. Our souls are said to be able to react similarly to harmonious proportions of angles that rays of stellar light make with each other when they strike the earth. In the case of planets, these are the aspects of traditional astrology.

Although the original idea of a 'harmony of the spheres' descends from before Christ, Kepler was instrumental in helping us to understand the inherent order and perfection of our World. As Sir James Jeans once said "he (God) is addicted to arithmetic".

One branch of scientific thought that works with the concept of number is Archaeocryptography. The A-cryptographer work with ancient sites and monuments and explore their relationship to number. In the course of their studies they have come up with some astounding information which can only lead one to surmise that although Kepler discovered certain laws, he was possibly only a conduit through which knowledge flowed from a greater Consciousness.

For it would seem that the ancient civilisations possessed an understanding of number, geometry and proportion beyond any level we could have imagined.

For instance, in Wiltshire, England lies the megalithic structure, Stonehenge. This site once comprised of 30 stones with 30 lintels laid on top. The perimeter of the site is enclosed by a 360-degree circle. If you multiply 60 by the 360 degree circle you obtain the number 21,600.

The location of Stonehenge is 51 degrees, 10 mins and 42,3529411764 seconds of latitude north of the equator which, when multiplied also produces 21,600 (51 X10X 42,3529411764) and yet the people of that time in history were not supposed to have known that a circle had 360 degrees of arc

What is this synchrony?

In Mexico there is a pyramid known as The Pyramid of Magicians in Uxmal. It is apparently one of the only ones to be square sided and round cornered. So it is the merger of two common geometrical forms, the circle and the square.If you square a circle i.e. 360 squared, 360 squared = 129,600 (: 120 54 = 20.000) Which is where it is to the west of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

As if this wasnt enough food for thought it also emerges that Easter Island, Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Paratoari, Tassili n'Ajjer and Giza are all aligned on a single great circle around the Globe. Additional ancient sites that are located within one tenth of one degree of this great circle include Petra; Perseopolis; Khajuraho; Pyay, Sukothai and Anatom Island.

So what does all this tell us?

"An immense play of mirrors thus exists in an immemorial way between the macrocosm and the microcosm, the creation and the creature, the creation and the Creator, the creature and the Creator; and it is made possible by mathematics, because this is at the same time their common essence and their common reason. It is the only natural language, because it is the only one in which Nature expresses itself. And it is necessary to take literally this idea of expression: Nature is not only full of meaning, but full of a meaning which is not hidden, which on the contrary announces itself openly in the spectacle of the heavens each hour, each day, provided one knows the language in which it manifests itself. Far from being contingent like the languages of man, mathematics conceals and reveals the secret necessity of things. Because of this, it is a sacred although natural language, or rather sacred because natural; perhaps even the only truly sacred language..." (Grard Simon, "Kepler's Astrology: The Direction of a Reform").

The work of the Astrologer is to translate these mathematical relationships and reveal the geometry, or pattern, that our birthchart describes. For when all is said and done, we too are an integral part of the sacred geometry of creation.

Note: Some of the the above mathematical information was compiled from 'The Codes of the Ancients' by Carl Munck.

Kathryn Cassidy is a professional astrologer. She writes on a variety of topics which fall under the umbrella of metaphysics. She hosts a blog at

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Apparel and Equipment in Sports, Fitness and Recreation

These days there are many big brands that cater to sports, fitness and recreation enthusiasts. Nike catapulted to number one when they hired basketball legend Michael Jordan to endorse for them because at the height of that advertising campaign everyone indeed wanted to be like Mike. They continued their reign and reinforced their being number one when they chose golfs amazing newest star then Tiger Woods as another endorser.

Adidas is also another leading brand whose latest campaign celebrate originality showcased their collaborations some of the best designers in the world. These brands not only battle in coming up with innovative products, getting the more popular image model or launching award winning advertising campaigns but they even have their presence felt in the movie industry.

In 2000, the movie What Women Want starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt was a big hit. The story is about an advertising executive who one day woke up being able to read womens minds. True, the actors and the plot make for a good movie but Nike gained so much from this movie.

There is no better way to present a new way of thinking in terms of womens shoes that are great in all areas- sports, fitness and recreation. The movie explained the whole process that Nike had to go through to come up with one product. Just in case you are wondering, the Nike ad representatives in the movie were not actors they were really from Nike and that now Nike has an entire line for women simply called Nike Women.

Adidas, on the other hand, had Goal. Goal is the success story of this small town boy who made it big in the soccerlandia. While more subtle than Nike, the movie stressed that Adidas is number one in football. Nike can claim their throne in the world of basketball but soccer or football will always have Adidas as its number one shoes.

Sports equipments are more easygoing on their Ads, not much brouhaha, it is simply all about the quality of the equipment. Players sporting them are almost usually number one in their fields but they are not required to be as marketable as their apparel endorsers counterpart. The point being the best players in their respective fields uses us so if you decide to use as then you can end up number one as well. They are more scientific in their approach owing to details more than just the overall impact.

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News Flash - Electric Gadgets To Firm Bellys Actually Work!

Yes, it's a little known fact, and it doesn't get much publicity, so I'm here to tell you that all those electric gadgets work!

You know the ones I mean, they strap around your belly, maybe with a bit of cream underneath, and they vibrate, sending electric pulses through to the muscles, stimulating them.

This means you can strap the belt on while you sit down to watch an episode of The Simpsons maybe, and your ab muscles will get worked as much as doing 100 crunches.

Superb, eh? Er, well, yes - it would be superb if it were true. Unfortunately it isn't true.

Not by a long way!

When I say that the gadgets work, they *do* work in that they vibrate and send a small electric pulse to stimulate the muscle. However, they were designed to help the recovery of post-operation patients, who were stationary in bed for long periods. The stimulation of the muscle helps to prevent them wasting away during this inactivity.

That's what they were designed for! It was only clever marketing and design that created the monster idea that they can give you washboard six pack abs - I have never heard anything so ridiculous!

Come on, let's be serious. Ab crunches work by putting strain against the muscle, they don't merely stimulate blood through the muscles.

If these gadgets worked, don't you think that we would all be walking around with super flat bellys. I know I'd be the first one on line to buy one.

You must remember too, that crunches alone will not flatten your belly. You need to burn off the layer of fat that is covering your abdominals through diet and exercise. I'm speaking good cardio workouts five day a week and a diet that is low in fat and does not include simple carbs.

Until that fat is gone, you can do crunches all day long and you will not see one single can - never mind a 6 pack! If crunches alone will never give you a flat belly, you can be sure the electric gadgets won't either!

And as far as crunches goes, they are not the most effective targeted ab exercises that you can perform. Exercises such as the bicycle (also called the reverse bicycle) blows crunches away when it come to strengthening your mid-section, also called your core.

I know it doesn't sound as exciting or as quick as the electric gadget idea, but if you follow the good old fashioned basics of diet and exercise, you'll soon be able to make your own *genuine* newsflashes about your flat belly!

Patricia has been interested in weight loss & fitness since the early 70's and knows the difference between hype & fact. For real info on how to Flatten Your Belly please visit:

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