Thursday, September 13, 2007 

How To Avoid Some Of The High Costs College Students Face, Especially When Starting Off At College

Many of the costs associated with going to college cannot be avoided, these are tuition, room and board, etc. However, starting college on a budget can be accomplished.

The first thing entering freshmen need to understand is that their student ID is their best friend. With your student ID, you should be able to purchase movie tickets, dinners or even games of golf locally at a discount. This discount may not be that great, however, for a college student, a buck here or a buck there will definitely add up.

Another way for students to save money is by getting a roommate. If you have to live on campus, that is fine, but if you live off of campus, the easiest way to really save money is on a local house or small apartment that you can share with 3 or 4 friends. This is also a little more fun than sharing a dorm room with a perfect stranger. A house can also be much more conducive to studying you hate your roommate, so you cant study in your dorm, yet your library closes at 11. With your own house, you can study, in your own room, whenever you want, regardless of the time.

OK, this might be a little tacky, but a lot of college students get a serious bang for their buck by donating plasma and blood and even some other bodily fluids. Although, this isnt really saving money this is more of making money you can seriously bring in a high amount of return for a short amount of work by donating your fluids. I would recommend counseling or some serious reflection at the least before you donate anything besides blood or plasma, but you can make $30 - $60 for donating your plasma twice a month for just 30 or 60 minutes of inconvenience. For most of us, there are few jobs that pay between $30 and $60 an hour.

Utilize Ebay and other online auctions. These places can not only give you extra income by allowing you to sell the crap that you just dont need, but it can also enable you to buy your necessities at a discount. Save some money, buy second hand. If you are a little impatient, go to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. These places arent just full of crappy hand-me-downs; they really have some decent stuff. Keep in mind that many of the people that donate to these causes do so for a tax write off. Many times you can find really nice clothing or furniture at a fraction of the cost of buying new. Also, the people that owned it may have never worn it. I recently bought a Polo shirt at good will in the wrapper for $5.

Stay away from Credit. Credit cards are the college students worst enemy. With opportunities for free stuff abound, it is easy to fall into serious debt aside from the astronomical student loans for college students today. One thing to remember is that once you get a credit card, you will have to pay everything back, plus the interest you accrue. If you dont pay this back, you will have to file bankruptcy, etc. and these horrible things can jeopardize your chances at a good career, owning a house or even getting a car that doesnt break down constantly. Falling into this trap is an easy thing for most students, especially those on a tight budget, but remember, if you cant afford it today, what makes you think you can afford it tomorrow? Credit card companies make incredible amounts of money off of college students, do you really want to support this evil empire?

Buy used this is common sense, but it can include furniture, cell phones and even text books. This follows from the previous point, but let me get to textbooks. Used textbooks from the bookstores usually will give you a slight discount compared to the new textbook prices. Many universities now have textbook exchanges for their students to circumvent some of the extraordinarily high textbook prices that many bookstores charge. To find out if your university works with these services, you can check your homepage. If you dont have one, there are still options; these include paid services like BookAnt ( and free services like BookDefy ( These websites offer students the ability to exchange textbooks or purchase them from one another. Even if you do not save a whole lot on buying a textbook from another student, the profits still end up in your hands and your fellow students hands. These sites are a great resource for the starving college student.

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6 Question to Think About Before Considering Breast Augmentation Surgery?

1. Why do you want Breast Augmentation Surgery & are You a Good Candidate?
Before considering breast augmentation surgery you should think about the reasons why you are going to do this, its important you are doing it for you own reasons and not for other people. Are you a good candidate: Well if you are in good health and your expectations are realistic then you are probably a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery.

2. What Type of Implant do you Want?
There are 2 options available Saline & Cohesive Silicone A K A "The gummy bear implant" Saline is made of salt water and the Silicone implant is made of cohesive silicone which does not leak if ruptured.

3. Are there risks involve?
Before going ahead with breast augmentation surgery you should do a lot of research online from friends, family and your local doctor, especially with risks involved with breast augmentation. Breast Augmentation is a modern day surgery but risks are inevitable so be sure to be aware of what could go wrong with this procedure.

4. Should I stop smoking?
Yes, Yes & Yes
Smokers should QUIT smoking at least 7 weeks before surgery.

5. Are there any alternative for this procedure?
Yes there are, But these alternative may not have been approved by the FDA.

6. How much will this procedure cost?
The price of your breast augmentation surgery will depend entirely on the surgeon you choose The price of your surgery should be discussed in full with your surgeon and then funding should be sorted out between you and your surgeon.

For more info visit us at: Your Plastic Surgery info Guide was created to help women whom are considering plastic surgery procedures as an option & to provide as much information in order to help make a confirmed decision. Theres no turning back the time clock so why not go for it! Again come visit us @ Your Plastic Surgery info Guide

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7 Tricks for Lasting Longer in Bed - A Crash Course in Sexual Stamina

My extensive experiences with tantric yoga, ancient sexuality practices, and contemporary western therapeutic paradigms have exposed me to many 'tricks-of-the-trade' when it comes to coming.

In this article I'll attempt to distill some of this simple but powerful wisdom. Hopefully men seeking to improve their sexual stamina, or even just to educate themselves sexually, can begin to use this as a roadmap for their quest. And a very worthy quest it is too, (speaking as a woman).

If there is one thing I cannot resist it is a man who is dedicated to learning more about his body and sexuality in general.

I know I speak for a lot of other women when I say that the most important quality in a lover is a commitment to improving the quality of his, and his partner's, sexual experiences.


1. Relax and increase your body awareness

There are very many techniques out there to help you relax and be more able to 'feel' your body. As a yoga practitioner I have experience with very many powerful relaxation, meditation and breathing techniques.

Perhaps the simplest one is just paying attention to your breathing during sex. Not controlling it, just noticing it.

Masters and Johnson also developed a technique known as "sensate focus exercises" which I use extensively in my practice as sexual surrogate therapist and sex 'coach'.

2. Focus on pleasure in sex, rather than sexual performance.

Let go of any expectations about the outcome of sex. Going into a sexual experience with a 'plan' robs you of any ability to be open minded.

You cannot learn from sex if you are focused on how it should look.

Instead, notice the pleasure as it is happening. The pleasure will show you what is good. It is the ultimate teacher when it comes to sex.

3. Increase awareness of your sexual arousal.

Again, open your awareness to your feelings of pleasure and pay close attention to your arousal levels. Awareness is the first step to understanding; which is itself a step towards mastery.

Focus on your pleasure during sex, during masturbation, or even the subtle pleasure you experience when a gorgeous woman gets on the bus.

4. Extend your sexual arousal to higher levels.

There are many techniques you can learn to extend your pleasure. As you become more aware of your sexual arousal a natural increase in your arousal level is inevitable.

This will happen because you will become familiar and comfortable with your pleasure, and your body will propel you to greater heights naturally.

Be sure to practice sex and pleasure often, so your body can keep teaching you.

5. Master your sexual arousal consistently at higher levels.

As your sexual pleasure naturally increases with more practice, you will begin to 'play' with it.

Manipulate your breathing patterns, sexual energy field and subtle internal sensations, to the point that you can begin to feel mastery over them.

Again, ancient wisdom, sex manuals and other people's experiences are full of eye opening possibilities.

6. Become accustomed to a steady level of intense arousal.

Get into the habit of building your sexual pleasure and indulging in it fully. Let the moments you feel pleasure expand.

Let the arousal continue as if it didn't need to end ever. It will of course, but you don't care when ... just let it happen.

7. Stop thinking

Drop your conscious mind out of the picture. Investigate or experiment with techniques to get your internal dialogue to shut up.

Experience all of this intense and joyous pleasure, not in your head, not by thinking about it ... but in your body. Feel it!

THE KEY is connecting more deeply to your own sensations and feelings.

Here's a bonus tricky tip for you. It's also the most important one.

8. Remember your own commitment to learn and grow.. . it all comes back to you.

By the way, if some of these tricks seem to be a bit of a tease it's because they are. Each one could be the subject of several very in depth articles or sexuality workshops.

I want you to take the time to ponder these tricks and look further. I wish you well on your adventures and I wish you very much pleasure.

Copyright 2005 Mukee Okan

Mukee Okan is a world renowned sexual therapist and spiritual guide. She is based in Phoenix and keeps herself busy running workshops and sessions in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Visit to download free audio files or purchase her e-book on overcoming premature ejaculation.

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What Causes Morning Headaches?

Wake up each morning with a headache? If so, you're not alone. A recent study has shown that one in thirteen people will wake up with a headache. The study also showed that approximately 8% of those people have had that headache pattern for four years or more. The most likely sufferers - women between the ages of 45 and 64.

There are many reasons for this headache pattern with some of the most common described here:

Sleep Apnea

This is a very common problem which often goes unnoticed by those that are affected. Many people believe they are sleeping through the night, and can't understand why they still tired during the day. Sleep apnea may be the culprit. While a common disorder, sleep apnea can in fact be quite serious. With this problem, your breathing will pause or become very shallow 20-30 times per hour for periods of 10-20 seconds or more.

One of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea is waking up in the morning with a headache. In addition to the headache, you may wake with a dry throat and have the feeling that you have not slept at all. This problem prevents a deep, restful sleep.

If you believe sleep apnea may be your problem, be sure to inform your doctor. The doctor can order a sleep study to help determine the severity of your sleep apnea.

Grinding Your Teeth

Teeth grinding is another common problem that can lead to a morning headache. Should the teeth grinding be excessive, the additional discomfort of pain and tightness in the muscles of the jaw, neck and head may also be present. Fortunately, this problem can usually be corrected through the use of a "nightguard" that will be fitted for you by your dentist. The nightguard is made of soft plastic that rests in your mouth during sleep to prevent the grinding.

Bedtime Restlessness

Frequent tossing and turning at night while trying to sleep can often lead to a headache in the morning. This is a problem that is usually caused by something psychological rather than physical, and should be discussed with both your doctor, and a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist.

Restless leg syndrome can also be a cause. The undeniable sensation to move your legs that some describe as feeling like insects are crawling inside their legs. This may suggest a deficiency in iron or magnesium that will require supplementation. A prescription of Ropinirole may also be prescribed by your doctor.


It is possible that the origin of your headache problem may be lying right next to you. Studies have shown that someone whose partner snores may lose as much as 50-60 minutes of sleep per night. This sleep loss will add up over time and bring on the morning headache. Snoring is usually caused by upper airway resistance, chronic allergies, obesity, a stuffy nose, or a side effect of medication.

Another trip to the dentist may offer a chance at relief. Your dentist will be able to fit you with a special snoring prevention gum shield.

These are just a few of the most common causes of waking up every morning with a headache. Whether you recognize any of these symptoms or not, the problem of a daily morning headache should be discussed with your doctor and not ignored.

Copyright ©2007 Carl DiNello

Carl DiNello is an Article Author, and Website Owner whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit Headache: Causes & Treatments!

You may republish this article on your website, or e-zine so long as none of the content, or author information has been edited or changed in any way, and all links are left active and unchanged.

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