Monday, September 24, 2007 

How To Put Videos On PSP In 4 Simple Steps

Sonys little wonder machine is a real jack of all trades in the electronic entertainment field-there really isnt too much that it cant do but Ive noticed that out of all my friends that have PSPs, not one person uses it for movies! I found this a little odd, until I realised that none of them know how to do it! Its not as hard as people seem to think so hopefully once youve read this article youll know how to put videos on PSP, and I can get my friends to look at this article instead of asking me questions all the time!

The first thing that stops most people from finding out how to put videos on PSP is they dont have enough free memory-You are going to need to buy as big a memory stick as you can afford-512mb is going to be the bare minimum here.

The second essential is to have a computer handy which you can link to the PSP via a USB cable. An internet connection will be useful too, but is not essential unless there are things you need to download.

1-Connect the computer and the PSP together, making sure that the PSP is switched off to begin with, and switch the PSP on once the connection is made.

2-With the PSP go into the SETTINGS menu, and press X, which should link the PSP to the computer. If you then go into MY COMPUTER on the computer, you should see an extra volume has been attached. This is the PSP/Playstation Portable.

3-Open the PSP memory card and then open the folder called PSP. With this open you need to create another folder inside that one, this one called MP_ROOT and then another one called 100mnv01

4-Save the movies you want to watch in the folder 100mnv01 and then you are ready to rock! The movies can be started by clicking on the saved image inside the memory card. One thing to note though is that the movies need to be in MP4 format (Google it), and if you want to convert your existing DVDs etc to this format you may want to get some specialized software.

Okay there we are, how to put videos on PSP in 4 easy steps!

Click HERE to find out EXACTLY how to put videos on your PSP, and get your FREE MP4 Conversion software now!
Click here to find out how to download free games and get the most from your PSP.
Billy Torecki is the webmaster at

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Just Love Me!

Just LOVE me, like a fat kid loves cake!

Have you ever felt like that? When I first heard that, it hit me like a ton of bricks. To be in LOVE like that or to be loved like that would just rule forever. Is that not what we are all yearning for? Do we not seek out LOVE from the second we breathe as an infant? We search our parents eyes for that look of LOVE. We smile because we know it makes them smile with the LOVE that they feel for us.

To LOVE or not to LOVE? This is the question we all ponder through out life.

Why do we yearn to be someones everything? We want nothing more than to feel like the LOVE of one`s life. We spend our lives looking for that special person that will make our world seem like a dream. We want to feel safe and secure in our choice of partners. But how do we really know that this one is "the one" we will LOVE unconditionally forever? How do we know that this choice of LOVE will not break our heart? How do we know that this LOVE will LOVE us when the chips are down and we are not that perfect person that they fell in LOVE with?

Well I hate to sound like a wet blanket here on a cold night, but nothing is guaranteed. Life promises us nothing. We make our lives what they are, right at this moment. In matters of the heart we gamble, and as I have said before, to give LOVE is to risk losing LOVE. That is just another one of those bleary facts. Like rain storms and snowfalls, we have no control over anything that nature has given to us. We can only do our best with what we have. I have spoken before about gifts. Well, LOVE is a gift when it is given and when it is received. It does not happen because we say we want it to, or when we like a person and say "LOVE me". HA. I am sure that almost everyone out there will agree to that. I am also certain that the word "Stalker" comes from that notion.

LOVE can be a very scary risk. "Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it! It makes you so vulnerable. It opens you up, totally exposing your heart only to let someone get inside you and twist things up so tight, you can barely breathe. You build up defenses, you build an entire suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then that person, not seeming any different from any other person, wanders into your lonely life. You give them your heart. They didn't ask for it. They did something one day, like kiss you or smile your way, and then your life isn't your own any more. LOVE takes your heart hostage. LOVE swarms inside you. LOVE devours your entire being and leaves you crying in the darkness. With the simple phrase, "lets just be friends", it turns into a knife, cutting its way into your heart. The pain is like no other you have ever felt nor ever want to feel again. Not just in your imagination, not just in the mind. It's like losing a part of who you are, or rather who you were. That my friends is one reason we are so careful to not make the wrong LOVE choice. I know reading this totally makes one never want to do that. But we do, over and over again. Why?

Is it such a deep needed desire that we really have no control? Is cupids arrow that strong? YES on both counts.

LOVE is one of the most powerful sensations we will ever endure in our lives.

LOVE knows no limit to its power, no end to its trust, no loss of its hope.

LOVE can overpower anything.

LOVE stays up, when all else has falls down.

LOVE is felt when one grasps another's hand.

LOVE is as much of an object as an obsession. Everybody wants it and everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it. Those who do, will cherish it, get lost in it, and among all, will never, ever forget it.

LOVE does not waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead it creates a perfect love.

LOVE is somewhat like an hourglass, the heart fills up on one side as the brain empties the other.

LOVE is admiring ones heart: as admiration is the love of ones mind.

LOVE is with you when you least deserve it, because that's when you really need it.

These are a few thoughts that I have that tell me what LOVE is and why LOVE is.

When we're incomplete, we're always searching for somebody to complete us.We must understand that until we admit that while our partner can add sweet dimensions to our lives, we alone are the only ones that can bring that same fulfillment to ourselves. No one is responsible for our happiness.

Some people fall into a pattern of needing that NEWNESS LOVE in their relationships. These people will go from one relationship to another forever, never getting off that roller coaster of failure. They never understand that LOVE has stages. LOVE at first is so full of mystery and excitement. Then we move into becoming comfortable with one another and blending our ways to continue to strengthen our LOVE for one another. We continue to grow with each other, adding newness to each other by growing in one world, but as two people. Our years together build our road to our destiny of spending our lives and enduring tribulations as one. If you want life to always be a bed of roses, then you best grow a few gardens, because the roses will only get there if you grow them or bring them to your life. In other words sweet people of LOVE, your LOVE and passion is only what you make it. If you ignore it or get too busy to feed it, it will die or fade away. It's like any other living breathing thing. LOVE needs to be treated with respect and treated like the special gift that it is.

Another thing we must be careful of is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image, otherwise LOVE is only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. LOVE like you mean it, it is the only true way to let your LOVE for one another grow stronger and continue to be all powerful and wonderful.


Relationships ask us to contemplate "forever" as a way of life.

It is a world without end of our own creation.

Toni Sciarra Poynter


The purpose of life is to discover your gift.

The work of life is to develop it.

The meaning of life is to give your gift away.

The gift, is LOVE!



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What Colors Make Your Services Most Attractive?

This information is based on the principles of Laws of Attraction, Law of Allowing and Law of Deliberate Creation. And the Universal Laws of Energy (like attract likes) proven by Quantum Physics.

What colors attract people to you?

Visual presentation and appeal, whether in your marketing materials or what you wear, can turn on or turn off what people you attract. It does not matter if its on paper matter, the Internet, like a web site, or in a presentation.

If you do any kind of speaking, writing, or design type of work, this article is for you.

I'm not just talking about visual color, I'm also talking to you about audio and writing or language color. Each affect our relationships -- friends, family, prospects, clients or customers.

It is a fact that companies with large budgets spend billions on color market research -- usually in product or packaging development.

Solopreneurs pockets aren't as deep, thus, they need to use the results of the research of the deep pocket-ers.

Colors tell someone if you are approachable. In the same way they will affect whether someone will continue clicking through your web site.

Colors will determine if someone will start reading your article in a magazine or posted on your web site. Color also helps to keep people involved on your web site (its not just about the content) and how long they stay.

Colors also influences how people will respond and behave. A black background on your web site now represents s*x-type of web sites. It is important that if that isn't your focus that you don't use a black background.

Lets take a few minutes and play with this concept. The next time you go into a fast-food restaurant, look closely at the colors. Do they decorate with vivid reds and oranges because they encourage diners to eat and leave quickly like many of the fast food establishments. That is exactly the response they want.

Different cultures have different attitudes and preferences thus; they will have another color reaction. In China, "white" symbolizes death and in Brazil, it is the color purple. People from warm countries respond favorably to warm colors; people from colder climates prefer the cooler colors.

In America, green is associated with jealousy or money. Here are some color references for America.

Red......excitement, strength, sex, passion, speed, danger.

Blue.....(most popular) trust, reliability, belonging, coolness.

Yellow...warmth, sunshine, cheer, happiness.

Orange...playfulness, warmth, vibrant.

Green....nature, fresh, cool, growth, abundance.

Purple...royal, spirituality, dignity.

Pink.....soft, sweet, nurture, security.

White....pure, virginal, clean, youthful, mild.

Black....sophistication, elegant, seductive, mystery, sexual.

Gold.....prestige, expensive, elite.

Silver...prestige, cold, scientific.

This also means that color affect shopping habits. Red- orange, black and royal blue attracts impulse buyers. Pink, teal, light blue and navy attract smart budget Shopper. Pink, rose and sky blue attract conformists.

A great exercise to experience this -- visit large company web sites that have spent the funds on this type of research.

Try McDonalds ( -- bright red) or Wendy's ( -- brownish red). Jaguar ( -- black for sophistication, green cool, and silver for prestige). It matches perfectly with their market -- high income-ers with a view on sophisticated.

If you are a service professional, how might you put colors to use for you?

First, make sure you have the right target market. Young children materials contain large amounts of bright primary colors. These colors will attract the child yet the parents or grandparents open the wallet. This means that for the children you would use the primary colors and for the marketing material being read by the grand/parents you would use reds, blues, pinks and yellows for trust, reliability, security, and playful.

If you a web site and you choose the colors because they are your favorite, then you choose it could have chosen it for the wrong target market -- unless, of course, you are the only one or people just like you are the only ones you want buying. Pick your colors for your market. This is anything you want to attract in America.

Catherine Franz, is a syndicated columnist, author, radio talk show host on marketing, International speaker, and master business coach.

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How to Install WordPress Using Fantastico

Using Fantastico to install WordPress

Using Fantastico to install your WordPress Blog is one of the easiest methods and probably the quickest ways of setting up a blog. Fantastico will install the WordPress software and create the database and the configuration file for you.

How to use Fantastico to install WordPress?

Login to your web hosting control panel, and in this tutorial we'll assume your using cPanel.

It can usually be accessed by the default method.

1) Login to your control panel "cPanel"
2) Click on the Fantastico icon or look for the Blue Smiley Face icon.
3) Select WordPress from the list on the right.
4) Click New Installation.
5) Select the domain name you want WordPress installed on.

If you have more than one domain hosted on your account, be sure to select the domain you want your WordPress Blog installed in.

6) Decide if you want WordPress installed in the root or a sub-directory.

Example: if you want it in the root directory leave it blank. If you wish to install it in a sub-directory make up the directory name you want it installed in like "blog or wordpress".

7) Next enter an Admin username and password, but be sure to write them down as you will use this information to enter your WordPress Admin Panel.
8) Now enter your Admin nickname that you will go by when posting articles.
9) Enter your admin email address that you wish to use to be notified of comments etc.
10) Enter your Site name
11) Enter your Blog Description
12) You can also set up your email configuration; usually the default settings are ok as most host support PHP Mail or SMTP support throuth the PHP.INI Settings.
13) Click Install WordPress.

Once installed, you can choose to have the details of the setup mailed to your email address for safe keeping. This is highly recommended in case you forget your admin login and password.

You're done! You now have WordPress installed on your domain.

To access your blog if you installed it in a sub-directory.

To manage your WordPress Blog you would login using the following. name/wp-admin/

If you installed it in the root directory you would use the default method of accessing your WordPress Blog.

And you're WordPress Admin Panel

Enjoy your new WordPress Blog!

About the Author:
Shawn DesRochers is the CEO of a successful SEO & Web Design Support Forum He also helps administrate one of the most popular Blogger support forums online at where bloggers can get answers to their current questions. If you need blog hosting we recommend

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