Wednesday, October 31, 2007 

Is Secretly Hypnotizing People Possible?

In order to answer if people can indeed be hypnotized without their knowledge, we have to quickly look at what hypnosis is and what exactly is required to call a person hypnotized...

What is hypnosis? No one really knows for sure. But we do have a few ideas. By definition, hypnosis is bypassing of the critical factor of the conscious mind and establishment of acceptable selective thinking.

Now... nowhere in the definition was the word "sleep", nore "somnambulism", which is a state of the mind in deeply hypnotized people. So, from that follows that a person doesn't have to be "asleep" in order to be hypnotized. And just to make clear, somnambulistic state isn't sleep. It's actually a state of heightened awareness and extreme reactiveness to proper suggestions.

Usually such a state is induced by a hypnotherapist with the client's full approval.

But, can a person be hypnotized without knowing it?

Let's take a closer look at this mouth-watering possibility... Have you ever felt completely comfortable while reading? You know, when you can simply let go and focus intently on the words on the page. The rest of the environment slowly fades away and you can feel relaxed and captivated by what you're reading.

And as you can vividly imagine the scenes and certain words, you can begin to notice that it's as if you were on a wonderful beach, hearing the waves hitting the land, smelling the pine trees, taking time for yourself and going deeper inside your mind and experiencing wonderful insights from your subconscious.

You want to learn more about this wonderful hypnotic state and how to induce it in other people without them knowing.

And as your subconscious mind gives you answers you never knew were possible, you can congratulate yourself as you've probably just been successfully hypnotized! That's right, if you could really imagine being on that beach, hearing the waves and smelling the pine trees, you've followed suggestions in the previous paragraphs!

Wake up now!

Did you like the experience? Did you just follow along? It could have been very subtle, or, if your imagination is more pronounced, you could have had a very vivid experience.

So, to answer the question from before... Yes, people can be and are hypnotized every day without their knowledge. It's just that many don't know it's actually hypnosis -- until they're told.

You've just been introduced to a fascinating phenomenon. Advertisers and marketers utilize this every day to get people spending their money on the promoted products. Now you too have been exposed to some of these guarded secrets and are now able to pursue this knowledge to win friends, close the deals, influence masses, get the dates and much more.

Welcome to the world of conversational hypnosis!

Want to learn more about conversational hypnosis and how to secretly hypnotize people? Visit us at

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Outdoor Camping Equipment

I have been outdoor rock climbing for years. Finding the right rock climbing equipment is pretty easy after you get used to it. There are so many people who review rock climbing equipment, and so many respectable sources in the area, that you can pretty easily learn what you need to take with you. Ironically, however, outdoor camping equipment is a little bit harder to find. Because camping gear is a little bit less specialized, you would expect it to be easier to pick out. You would expect there to be many different kinds of outdoor camping equipment that fit the bill. In reality, however, because it is less specialized there is a greater diversity of opinion. If you have never picked out outdoor camping gear before, you will probably be dazzled by the variety of options. Unfortunately, not all of these options will work.

The first time I took camping equipment outdoor on a rock climbing trip, I found this out the hard way. You see, I had decided to take no risks at all. I got the best outdoor camping equipment for rock climbing that I could find or at least what I thought was the best. I got a very well made tent that was certified for Arctic conditions. I bought a mummy style sleeping bag, and a lot of other survival outdoor camping equipment. Unfortunately, I made all of the wrong choices. Although the outdoor camping equipment that I got was really good, it was completely inappropriate for the purpose. It was too heavy, too hot, and too bulky. Having the wrong outdoor camping equipment on a rock climbing trip can be very dangerous. Every spare pound that you are carrying counts, so taking too much stuff up with you is always a bad idea. I learned the hard way the pitfalls of picking out the wrong outdoor climbing equipment.

This is why you should always pick out outdoor climbing equipment with the help of an expert in the area. If you are just taking an overnight in a place that is easy to get to, mild, and close to civilization, it doesn't matter. You should use whatever outdoor camping equipment you can scrape together. You won't have to worry about having the best stuff. If, however, you are going on a serious outdoor adventure, you should do some serious planning. When you're in the middle of the woods, remember, you can't go to back to the outfitter to get more stuff.

For more information on the best Colorado Vacations try visiting Colorado Best Vacations located at where you will find valuable information on colorado springs vacations and other information.

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Home Changes for Global Warming Prevention

There are many changes that we can make in our homes in order to prevent global warming. In order to reduce the rate of damage that is occurring as a result of global warming, we must be willing to do our part. Many people go all out and change as much as they can in order to prevent global warming. Other people only make a change or two. It does not matter how much change you make, as long as you are trying. Everything helps a little. Of course, more is better. If you are not able to implement all of the tips that are listed in this article, that is ok. Just pass the information along and see what a difference that we can all make by working together.

1) The first thing that you can do to change your home in order to prevent global warming is to make sure that you are using light bulbs and appliances that are considered energy efficient. Using standard light bulbs and appliances that are not energy efficient will only lead to the issue of global warming getting worse. If you are unable to afford the expense of replacing all the light bulbs in your home at once, start with the ones that are used the most and then move on to the rest as you are able to afford it.

2) The next step to changing your home in order to assist in preventing global warming is to ensure that you do not run any unnecessary water. You should turn the water off as you are washing dishes, make sure that you only run a dishwasher and a washing machine when you have full loads, do not fill the tub all the way up when you are taking a bath, turn off the water as you are brushing your teeth, and keep your showers short and sweet. You may also want to limit the amount of water that you use in order to provide moisture to the grass, and fill up swimming pools and spas in the home.

3) If you run an air conditioner and/or heaters, you should try to use a thermostat whenever it is possible. This will help save a load of money on your heating and cooling costs. It will also help reduce the amount of harmful gases that enter in the atmosphere and result in the issue of global warming. Try to keep the thermostat around the upper 70 scale. It is also very important to ensure that the vent filters in your home are kept cleaned and changed on a regular basis.

4) You should try to reduce the amount of trash that is produced in your home. You can do this by learning to recycle products for use in the home, or recycle them in your community. You can also reduce trash by ensuring that you limit the purchases of items that contain a lot of unnecessary garbage that you will end up throwing away.

5) If it is possible, share a ride with another co-worker or with your spouse so that you don't produce car emissions or polution. Besides the benefits already mentioned, you will also save on the purchase of gasoline and will have company on your trip. On the weekends plan your schedule so you use only one car to do all of your errands. Again this saves gas and cuts down on the polution.

6) If you have the space, grow some of your own food. Fresh vegetables are better for you and if you grow them yourself, you will not have to buy them at the grocery store. You will also save on gas and time because they will be within walking distance. If you have a "bumper crop", you can always can or freeze them so you will have them during the colder months. You can also recycle the "waste products" (skins, tops, etc.) which you would usually throw away to make compost material.

These are just a few things you can do at home which will help lessen the ill effects on our environment. As mentioned above, start with 1 or 2 as you have the time or can afford them. Then continue to add more as time goes by. If we all do just a few of these things, then the cumulative effect will start tipping the scales of global warming toward the good end. brings you thought provoking information about global warming. There's nothing to buy, just really helpful information. Be sure to check out all the pages and decide for yourself.

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