Do You Need Promotional Products?
Promotional products and promotional gifts can be found at almost any business and organisation, but the question still remains: Do you really need them? After all, wont advertising and marketing (for which you pay so much for) do the exact same thing? Well, yes and no. In many ways, promotional products do the exactly same job as advertising or marketing. They certainly should be the only way in which you promote your product, business or organisation. However, promotional products and gifts often do work that no other form of advertising and marketing can do, and for these reasons alone, it is crucial for your business to use promotional products to assist in customer retention and also business growth.
First and foremost, promotional products help to brand your product on a personal and direct level. Corporate branding is extremely important if you want a successful business and well recognized one, and these items can take that branding into the homes of consumers. Your promotional printed pens act as a reminder of your product or service whenever they are used and pens are a perfect low cost way to get your marketing message across to a wide audience. When choosing promotional products, therefore, it is extremely important to choose colors, designs, and so forth that really represent your company in best possible light.
Promotional products also tell your customers that you care. Everyone likes free gifts, after all, even if those gifts are small. If you give away items at a convention booth, for example, youll attract the attention of people walking by. Theyll stop in to grab some goodies and youll be able to do your sales pitch. Items used for promotional products can be taken with you just about anywhere, so it is always a good idea to be prepared to hand out a button or coaster if you sit beside someone interesting on an airplane or have a waitress who could use your services.
Some may say that promotional products and conference gifts are unnecessary, but another way to look at your needs is to gauge how many people can remember you name with no help. Do they remember the way to spell that name? How about the phone numberis it easy to find in the phone book or online? Do you have a website that consumers can remember? The sad fact is that most peoples lives are so busy that they just cannot remember your contact informationor where they wrote it down. Most will probably not even remember you business name. However, if they have a Frisbee with your information on it, theyll know exactly who to call, even a few years later.
You dont have to buy the traditional promotional products and business gifts either. If you have a fun or unusual business, you can cater to your clients needs. Try some light-up balls or color-changing cups. Promotional products are simply necessary. Having them will undoubtedly increase your sales and strengthen your customer relations.
Gareth Parkin is the co-founder of Ideasbynet, the UK's leading online promotional products, promotional items and business gifts company based in the north of England. Established in 2001, he has taken the UK gift market by storm by the application of modern business thinking and the latest search engine marketing techniques.
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